For many families with a loved one, suffering from a meth addiction is telling. Methamphetamine commonly known as meth is a stimulant drug that is highly addictive and dangerous. That explains why the best form of treatment advice given to people who are now addicts is abstinence.
New approaches to how meth addiction is shaping its addiction treatment for the better. The use of medication like bupropion and naltrexone has made it better.
Stats about Methamphetamine
- Meth is neurotoxic and can harm the normal functioning of dopamine and serotonin in the central nervous system.
- Methamphetamine is illegally made in secret labs with some versions having added impurities like talc, caffeine, and toxic substances.
- Studies show a possibility of structural and functional brain changes associated with memory and emotion.
- Increase in toxicity when added to cocaine, alcohol, or opiates.
Methamphetamine: what is it?
If the name methamphetamine seems too academic, you might have heard it from its street names—chalk, ice, or speed. Its rapid impact on the central nervous system is what makes it highly popular among “high” seekers. On the flip side, its potency makes it easy to overdose on. Meanwhile, the chemicals and methods used when manufacturing meth widely vary in strength, and we can assume very few safety and quality standards are applied.
Known for its addictive nature, it does not take long before the unpleasant effects of the drug kick in. While symptoms vary the ones affecting your physical health are heart and chest pains, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, physical tension, and drying around the mouth. There are also negative mental impacts such as hallucinations, paranoid delusions, impulsive violence, and aggressive behaviour.
Once meth wears out, its users feel depressed and tired, leading to increased intake over the next days and weeks, increasing the likelihood of overdosing. Among the consequences of meth are strokes, heart attack, and death—in worse-case scenarios.
Seasons Bali meth addiction and treatment addresses everyone’s needs according to their unique situation. You also get the right guidance and tips to keep you sober in the years to come.
What are the symptoms of a meth drug addiction?
Physical Symptoms
- Increased heart rate & blood pressure → Meth is a stimulant that makes your heart work harder, raising the risk of heart attacks or strokes.
- Dilated pupils – The drug overstimulates the nervous system, causing pupils to expand unnaturally.
- Loss of appetite & extreme weight loss – Users often stop feeling hungry, leading to unhealthy weight loss.
- Irregular sleep patterns / Insomnia – Many stay awake for days, followed by exhaustion and long sleep crashes.
- Grinding teeth & jaw clenching – Unconscious clenching and grinding can lead to serious dental damage.
- Skin sores (excessive picking & scratching) – Users sometimes feel like bugs are crawling on their skin (called formication), making them pick at themselves.
- “Meth mouth” – severe dental decay – Meth dries out the mouth, which leads to rapid tooth rot, gum disease, and even teeth falling out.
- Excessive sweating – Overheating and profuse sweating are common due to the stimulant effects.
Behavioural Signs
- Strong cravings for meth – Hard to resist using, even when you know its harming you.
• Inability to stop despite bad consequences – Even when health, work, and relationships suffer, quitting feels impossible.
• Taking huge risks – Meth impairs judgement, leading to reckless driving, unsafe sex, or even criminal behaviour.
• Illegal activities to get meth – Theft, fraud, or selling drugs are common ways addicts try to sustain their habit.
• Excessive talking & hyperactivity – Users become extremely chatty, fidgety, and restless.
• Violent or aggressive outbursts – Irritability and sudden rage are common, sometimes leading to physical fights.
• Obsessive, repetitive behaviours – Things like cleaning obsessively, dismantling objects, or constant skin picking.
Mental & Emotional Effects
- Anxiety & paranoia – Feeling extremely nervous, fearful, or distrustful of others.
Hallucinations (seeing/hearing things that aren’t real) – Some users hear voices or see disturbing imagery. - Delusions (strong false beliefs) – May believe there’s bugs under their skin, leading to obsessive scratching.
Severe mood swings – Going from extreme euphoria to deep depression in a short period of time. - Memory loss & mental decline – Meth damages brain function, making it harder to focus or recall information.
- Suicidal thoughts after the high wears off – Many users experience extreme emotional crashes once the drug leaves their system.
Social & Lifestyle Consequences
- Ignoring work, school, & home duties – Addiction takes priority over everything else, leading to job loss or failing grades.
- Pushing away friends & family – Many meth users isolate themselves to hide their addiction.
- Severe financial problems – Draining savings, going into debt, or even turning to crime to afford more meth.
- Poor hygiene & self-care – Showering, grooming, and clean clothes become less important.
- Getting into legal trouble – Arrests for drug possession, theft, or violent actions are common.
Meth addiction treatment programs
At Seasons Bali, we know the amount of courage it takes for anyone to come forward and admit they are at fault and commit to turning around their situation. Our experienced professionals too are not on a trial-and-error mission; they have done it before and will help you overcome your meth addiction.
The place is safe and serene, and the environment has a healing presence. We champion an abstinence model that is a 12-step process borrowing from the best clinical and medical practices that set you on a path to long-term recovery.
An inpatient meth program runs for a month or more, giving the user round-the-clock counselling and support from a team of registered psychotherapists and certified drug addiction specialists. A good number of our counsellors were once addicts and can share their lived experiences.
Outpatient treatment allows the person to live at their residence nearby and make pre-scheduled sessions at the treatment facility. It often follows inpatient treatment and ensures the person maintains the routine to prevent a relapse.
What to consider when picking a treatment program
You don’t need to choose a program on your own when there are expert counsellors who can examine your situation and recommend the best treatment. Of course, considerations will be given to your unique needs like availability, resources, state of addiction, and others.
Relapse prevention
Strategies that prevent people from relapsing fixate on triggers, coping mechanisms, and healthy support networks. Find a way to recognise and address potential relapse warning signs at the onset.
Mental health support
Meth addiction is often linked with another co-occurring mental disorder. For the recovery to nip the issue in the bud, it must also address underlying conditions like anxiety or depression. Continuous therapy, support groups, and medication help people with their mental health or self-medication, build up to a full recovery.
Why Seasons Bali is the best addiction rehab center
Our addiction treatment programs are comprehensive and capture every possible scenario in the detox process. There is no situation where things get out of hand and you will be referred somewhere else. In addition, our programs are geared towards long-term recovery, so we stick around way past the period of inpatient treatment to keep you from sliding back.
- Nationally licensed leader in drug addiction disorder treatment.
- Commercially driven center, thus our primary focus is the addict’s well-being and not donor agencies.
- Only use evidence-based clinical strategies.
- Use a holistic approach that pulls in children, family, loved ones, friends, or work colleagues to support the affected person.
- Certified and licensed staff
Do insurers cover meth addiction treatment?
- Yes, people with private insurance coverage that includes international treatment and addiction care are eligible. Seasons Bali has a good working relationship with many major insurers that cover the following treatment programs: inpatient care, detox, and other therapeutic interventions tailored to the addicts’ unique needs.
- Review your insurance policy or directly contact Seasons Bali to confirm the coverage specifics and who is eligible for treatment. Seasons Bali is further ISO certified and it runs a holistic approach integrating psychological, medical, and alternative therapies.