What is Heroin?
Heroin is a powerful drug that doesn’t discriminate—it consumes lives without mercy. It is not too different from morphine, which is naturally found in opium poppy plants. Heroin alters the brain in devastating ways which if unchecked can leave one devastated and rob anyone of several productive years of their lives.
A study from the past shows that endorphins, which are made in the brain, have a similar chemical structure to opiates like morphine and heroin. That’s why the human brain responds quickly to opiates—it’s almost like it recognizes them.
Endorphins are chemicals made by the brain that make you feel good when your body is stressed or in pain. As the body’s ‘natural opiates,’ endorphins fill the spaces between nerve cells, stopping them from firing and making a person feel better, high, euphoric, or relieved from pain.
Now, here’s where everything goes South. Just like an evil twin, heroin molecule locks onto the endorphin receptor sites on the brain’s nerve endings creating the same excitement. Only this time, it is more powerful than endorphins whose urge can be suppressed or naturally controlled by the body. Some would want that feeling again and again. The downside, of course, is addiction.
How does it feel while on heroin?
When you first inject heroin into your system, it can be unpleasant, making you vomit or feel nauseous. Maybe that is your guardian angel helping you to steer clear of it. Perhaps driven by social or psychological pressures, some might keep trying. After a few more attempts, its relieving feel becomes insatiable.
Some can even distinguish between its “rush” and “high.” The rush stays on for a minute or two after injecting, while the high slightly afterwards lasts four to five hours. Imagine a warm, drowsy state giving a full sense of satisfaction as though all your earthly troubles just vanished. Given all opiates have cross-tolerance, using other versions like morphine, opium, or morphine can relieve heroin’s withdrawal symptoms.
What are the types of heroin?
Most drug samples are either a white or brown powder and, at times, a sticky black powder. The white version has been mixed with starch, sugar, or milk powder, often in its purest form. The brown version comes from a less refined manufacturing process, so it has impurities but is equally as addictive and easier to smoke.
Also present is the sticky black tar heroin laced with harmful impurities to give it a higher potency. Sometimes, manufacturers dilute it to increase profits and mix it with cutting drugs like fentanyl. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50-100 times more addictive than heroin. When mixed, the risk of addiction or health problems increases.
Short-term effects
Sudden rush or high
- Users experience an intense feeling of euphoria that lasts approximately 2 minutes.
- This is the initial effect of the drug before it spreads through the bloodstream.
Heroin remains in the brain
- At this stage, the drug has not yet been fully metabolized into morphine.
- The brain experiences a powerful but temporary high before the drug’s effects spread.
Physical and mental effects:
- Vomiting and nausea
- Many users feel sick shortly after taking heroin.
- The body reacts to the drug as a toxin, causing discomfort.
- Itching
- Heroin triggers the release of histamines, leading to an intense itching sensation.
- Clouded thinking
- Users often feel mentally foggy and have difficulty concentrating.
- Decision-making and judgment become impaired.
- Slow heart rate
- The drug depresses the central nervous system, reducing heart rate.
- This can increase the risk of heart complications.
- Suppressed breathing
- Heroin slows down respiratory functions, which can be dangerous.
- In severe cases, this may lead to respiratory failure or overdose.
Long-term effects
Chronic users of heroin are bound to suffer from its long-term effects around:
- Physical health—lung complications, liver or kidney disease, severe constipation, abscesses, collapsed veins, and soft-tissue infections.
- Mental health—depression and anxiety.
- Social and financial—job losses, broken relationships, financial strain, and social isolation.
- Increased dependence or tolerance—the body becomes addicted to heroin and incapable of functioning normally.
- Accidental overdose—can happen to experienced users or people trying to quit cold turkey.
Withdrawal and detox
Withdrawal from heroin is gruelling, like the war against the body’s demands. But it’s also the first step toward reclaiming control. When a person is fully dependent on the drug and tries to go ‘cold turkey’ to stop its use, they are hit with withdrawal symptoms like:
- Profuse sweating
- Muscle cramps
- Agitation
- Anxiety
- Vomiting and Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Shivering
- Irregular heartbeat
- Aches and body pains
- Chills
When compared to other drugs like cocaine or meth, heroin is more severe. The symptoms can last days, a week, or more. That’s why users are advised to get treatment at a heroin rehabilitation centre so it is done safely. Heroin addiction rehabilitation uses drugs like methadone in suppressed doses to wean clients off until their bodies are free of the drug.
Heroin overdose
A heroin overdose is a life-or-death emergency, and I’ve seen how quickly it can escalate. Knowing the signs and acting fast can save a life. Slowed breathing, blue fingernails, unresponsiveness, pinpoint pupils, and choking are signs of overdosing. Other symptoms are cold and clammy skin, drowsiness, and a weak and unresponsive pulse.
Naloxone, or Narcan, is given during a heroin overdose. It displaces the opioids on the brain receptors, restoring normal respiratory function and consciousness in minutes. If you suspect someone is overdosing on heroin, give them naloxone as a first step as you wait for emergency services. It’s usually given as an injection or nasal spray, which can be tricky for bystanders in emergencies.
Whether or not, Naloxone is around, you must call emergency services. It’s always a race against time when you are facing an overdose situation. The worst-case scenario here is severe complication or death. When you reach out for help, be clear about your situation and any other substance involved so the responders can plan adequately.
Speedball is both a depressant and a stimulant that arrived from mixing heroin and cocaine. People seeking intense highs use this mix, believing that cocaine counteracts heroin’s sedative effects. There is an increased risk of blurred vision, impaired coordination, and confusion.
Sometimes there is danger in how users take this combination. Some will up their intake while thinking they are not high enough. Cocaine’s stimulating effects wear off faster than heroin increasing the chance of respiratory failures. Some combinations even have fentanyl, making them more deadly. With more substances mixed into one, the chances of ingesting something significantly more potent are high.
Treatment options
The first step in treating heroin addiction is safely managing withdrawal symptoms. The goal is to completely clear the drug from your body. Medications prescribed by physicians will make the patient more stable and comfortable.
Medically assisted treatment (MAT)
Medication-assisted treatment will combine behavioural therapy with others to reduce cravings and other withdrawal symptoms. Some of the common medications are:
- Methadone—an opioid that helps in managing the cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
- Buprenorphine—a partial opioid with less mild effects than heroin but useful in reducing cravings.
- Naltrexone—an opioid antagonist blocking opioid effects and preventing relapse.
Inpatient rehabilitation
Inpatient rehab provides a structured environment for people to focus on recovery, especially if they don’t trust their judgment. It’s the only safe treatment option for anyone who is chronically addicted.
They need a safe medical approach to counter the fatal withdrawal effects from reduced usage. Treatment is not just about medication but also uprooting yourself from environments that brought you where you are in the first place. Most inpatient processes run for 30 to 90 days.
Outpatient treatment
This option is good for people suffering mild addictions or checking out of an inpatient program and still needing to do daily check-ins. The intensity of outpatient programs varies, from partial hospitalization to traditional outpatient therapy, and intensive outpatient programs.
Behavioural therapies
These therapies address the psychological baggage that indices or results from the addiction. Approaches like cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) help people identify triggers, generate coping strategies, and adjust the negative thought patterns associated with the drugs.
Aftercare programs
Once you complete a treatment program, there are aftercare programs like continued therapy sessions and sober living facilities, and you can take part in groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA).
Begin Heroin addiction treatment at Seasons Bali.
Managing the long-term effects of heroin use starts with finding the right treatment centre. Join us today for your personalized addiction treatment program, all with evidence-based steps to help you in your recovery here at Seasons Bali.