‘Seasons has allowed me to clear out the disease of addiction and focus on a recovery path, therefore allowing me to have a much clearer mind. Leaving my drug of choice behind will allow me to involve myself in so many new and fun activities. The time I spend with family is so much better because I now have new strategies for relating to them. We used to always talk about my disease and drug use and now we can redirect it to positive common interests.’

Ben, New Zealand, 2290 Day Program

“To all the staff at Seasons…thanks for the email, I really do appreciate the continued contact. I am doing very well! Almost one year in sobriety .I won’t go on too much but life for me these days is just fantastic…Even when its bad it’s somehow awesome. I go to AA meetings regularly, have a sponsor and love anything to do with associated spiritual progress..I noticed the first 6 months were very hard, there were many times I nearly relapsed…..lots of stressful situations and overwhelming emotional stuff, but by going to meetings and eventually picking up the phone and talking to someone in AA, I have managed to get through and stay sober..Going to that AA convention in Bali was a damn good idea as it really opened my mind to what AA is really like….I am lucky here in Perth as there are many different kinds of meetings to attend..I am about to head out tonight to a steps meeting….I am actually only on step 5 with my sponsor. I love how it’s very hard to describe, but you know how it feels! Feels like Freedom!! I am hoping to go to Bali next month and celebrate my first year clean so maybe I will see you guys. Thanks, thanks and thanks again for saving my life and giving me a new beginning. Eternally grateful. yours sincerely..Adrian

Adrian, 32, Australia30 Day Program

“Before I came to Family Week my relationship was a big mess. I didn’t know what to expect coming to Seasons but after a week I’ve resolved a heap of issues. I can now look towards the future positively. I got so much out the program, especially in such a short period of time. My awareness is a lot better of what addiction is and how it affected my wife and I carried a lot of stuff within myself that has been resolved – guilt, fear, resentment. I don’t have that ball in my stomach. I feel like I got 20 years worth of healing in a week. The staff were fantastic. They were so supportive, friendly and not at all judgemental. They are really good listeners. The program runs really well and the serenity of the surroundings helps people relax and let go. There’s peace and quiet and time to reflect. The world would be a better place if everyone could do a week here!”

Paul , AustraliaFamily Week

“My experience at Seasons overall was amazing. I just went for court and my mum, but I ended up wanting to be there. I didn’t know what to expect, but I found it very easy to settle into the program. The staff are unbelievable and well educated in their area. They understood me because they‘ve all been through it themselves. The other residents were welcoming and friendly and helped me settle in. The food was amazing, and the nightly trips to the meetings were exciting and inspirational.”

Bella, 19, Australia30-Day program

“After many failed attempts to stop using drugs and alcohol independently, I believed I was beyond help. At Seasons I found that with the care, attention and relevant knowledge of the excellent staff and the loving environment of the beautiful grounds at Season’s Bali, I was able to begin the recovery process. Today I am now living a full and meaningful life. A life I had thought unattainable where I am now free to pursue my dreams and walk free from the misery of addiction. “

Mark, 33, UK90-Day-Program

“I came to Seasons after my family did an intervention on me because they were concerned about my drinking. I had been drinking on my own every night. After Seasons I feel stronger, I feel balanced, I’ve learned to put up more healthy boundaries and have much higher self-esteem. The best thing about the program were: being with other addicts; experiencing honesty; not being judged and, being accepted for exactly how I am. Not only am I sober, but I’m taking a whole lot of positive values back for my children.”

Sarah, 42, Australia30-Day-Program

“Seasons has given me the tools to cope with life. Before I came in, I was killing myself with drugs. Now I feel excited about a new beginning and a new outlook on life. The program has allowed me to change who I am, change old habits and behaviours and stop taking drugs. One of the best things about the program is the staff. It’s such a great team, and they’re so inspirational. The honesty and openness the program provides helped me to deal with not only the drugs but with life”

Miguel, 39, Spain60-Day-Program

“What made the most impact was meeting such inspiring people – the staff and other residents. I’ve made lifelong friends here. The support workers and counsellors were one of the best things about the program. They are recovering addicts like me. Their stories are so inspiring; it gives me hope. The program is well balanced with the right amount of everything – exercise, therapy, relaxation, fun. Morning ‘check-in’ group is amazing; magic happens in check-in! Seasons has given me a completely new life.”

Chloe, 23, Australia90 Day Program

“I didn’t know what to expect when I arrived, but I felt so welcome and safe, and the staff understood my needs. One of the best things about the program was the family counselling because I got to say things to my brother in a way I’ve never been able to before. Another highlight was attending the daily groups with other residents and seeing their progress. It was very inspirational.”

Anna, UK – SisterFamily Week

“This was my first attempt at recovery. I’m so thankful that I went to Seasons. I needed a 90-day program and a transitional housing program to ease me back into society and healthy life. Seasons is a beautiful facility with a plan of action that has worked for me. I’m now drug-free and fit. There were male role models that have been a positive influence in my life. The staff were excellent, and the food was 5 star. I’m surfing and have a positive outlook on life now.”

Nick, 28, Australia90-Day-Program