“At Seasons, I found the right support and an excellent program that has helped me to change my life and my attitude. Some of the best things about the Seasons program are the structure and the program content, the support I got from the staff and community, and the healthy food. They use lots of fresh products, which was important to me as I work in the nutrition field. I have a completely different way of looking at things now. I highly recommend it to anyone who’s struggling with addiction.”

Carolyn, 28, USA30-Day program

“I came to Seasons with little hope and no direction. I needed to change my life dramatically. The program was progressive for me and helped me to look at things in a different light. The fact that everyone else is in recovery is one of the best things about the program. And the staff are wonderful. Now I see a life without alcohol and a bright future.”

Stephen, 32, New Zealand60-Day program

“I’ve done a full 360 from coming to Seasons. My mental, emotional, physical and spiritual life is 100% if not 200% better than it was when I arrived. I’m leaving so much better equipped with tools to manage my everyday life drug-free. I feel so much more alive and happy, and my spiritual connection is like never before. The best things about the program are the support from staff and other residents and the therapeutic environment. The staff were so amazing, and they’re all very consistent and caring.”

Kamilla, 27, UK60-Day Program

“Before I came in was the lowest point in my life. I think I had a lot of trepidation about coming to treatment but the staff at Seasons were so great. They were empathetic and sympathetic to my needs. After 90 days, I left Seasons with a lot of hope and faith that I’d be able to employ what I had learned there and get my life back on track. Without reservation coming to Seasons was the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.”

Nik, 38, Finland90 Day Program

“This was my first experience at rehab after 35 years of drinking and using. I entered day one hopeless, bitter and spiritually bankrupt but willing to try anything. I exited 60 days later with a formal and informal support system. I am physically well and I have developed a spiritual foundation and a hopefulness about the future that I have never experienced before.”

Daryl, 52, Bali60-Day-Program

“I have newly restored hope in a bright future, newfound freedom within myself, and I’m noticeably less anxious. I have so much more confidence and self-esteem and more faith in humanity. Group check-ins were a great way to face fears, identify feelings and work through emotions. The support staff go above and beyond, and the management and counsellors are next level amazing. It was the best decision I had made in a long time.”

Megan, 35, Australia90-Day-Program